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This game was a constant in my groupoffriends, and we’d often play cooperatively, each with ourowncustom character. Of course, when Dynasty Warriors 5 came out,weall jumped on that, too.But times changed, and we grew up, and went to college, andgotjobs. Some of us even got married. There was just no timeforDynasty Warriors anymore. Still, I never forgot how much fun Ihadwith 4 and 5.Many people will scoff at the sheer number of main seriesentries,expansions, and spin-offs, and even more will tell you thateveryDynasty Warriors game looks, sounds, and plays the same.Thesepeople, quite frankly, don’t know what they’re talkingabout.Dynasty Warriors has changed quite a bit over the years,andDynasty Warriors 8: Xtreme Legends Complete Edition stands tallasone of the best games in the franchise’s storied history.5th Weapons in Dynasty Warriors 8 allow the character of yourchoiceto use EX attacks. To unlock these weapons, you will need tofollowand complete a number of tasks which can either be done inthe StoryMode or Free mode with the difficulty being hard orchaos!The tasks are to be done by the character whose weapon youareunlocking. When you are done with the conditions and havecompletedthe stage, you need to find the box which has yourreward.Remember to save your game before fulfilling the condition tounlockthese weapons. This will save you a lot of time and give youachance to try again. To travel, make sure you use horses.This game was aconstantin my group of friends, and we'd play cooperatively Often,eachwith our own custom character. Of course, when Dynasty Warriors5Came out, we all Jumped on that, too.But times changed, and we grew up, and went to college, andgotjobs. Some of us even got married. There was just no timeforDynasty Warriors anymore. Still, I never forgot how much fun Ihadwith 4 and 5.Many people will scoff at the sheer number of main seriesentries,expansions, and spin-offs, and even more will tell you thateveryDynasty Warriors game looks, sounds, and plays the same.Thesepeople, quite frankly, do not know what they're talkingabout.Dynasty Warriors has changed quite a bit over the years,andDynasty Warriors 8: Xtreme Legends Complete Edition stands tallasone of the best games in the franchise's storied history.5th Weapons in Dynasty Warriors 8 allow the character of yourchoiceto use EX attacks. Reviews These weapons to unlock, you willneed tofollow and complete a number of tasks the which can eitherbe donein the Story Mode or Free mode with the difficulty beinghard orchaos!The tasks are to be done by the character Whose weapon youareunlocking. When you are done with the conditions and havecompletedthe stage, you need to find the box roomates has yourreward.Remember to save your game before fulfilling the condition tounlockReviews These weapons. This will save you a lot of time andgive youa chance to try again. To travel, make sure you usehorses.